
Showing posts from May 2, 2018

My Current Projects

Currently I am working on Warders. I have 2 painted and 2 that are getting their base coat before I wash them. I typically leave the unit leader as the last one that I paint. It is such a satisfying feeling to get the whole unit finished and even tho the more models you paint in a unit you want to just be done but I leave him for the last so I make sure to slow down and take my time with him to make sure he stands out a bit. I feel like I am a slow painter when it comes to speed. I wish I could pound out a model every hour or even every 2 hours would be nice but I am not that fast.. well not if I want it to look better than my 6 year olds paint job that is. Next up on my list of things I want to paint. Front arc's I plan on going through all my painted models and lining them up and getting all of them taken care of. Now that I'm posting my models online I'm a little embarrassed that my bases are not finished. I will post pictures of the finished warders when I get to th...

Mulg The Ancient

Mulg the Ancient On a large base this guy packs a punch. He is one of my favorite all time models. Out of all the models I have played on a table at my local hobby store this one gets the most comments. People either love or fear Mulg. As far as Caster/Warlock kills this guy does rank up there as a model that gets the job done. I didn't give him the traditional "Blood for the kill" but that is because I don't have tons of time to paint. I am hoping that will change and I will be able to devote some time every week to painting. Here is my MULG! No front arc. Uggg, I will be painting front arc's on lots of my models soon and I will get an updated Picture up here once I do. My brother is a great painter and I still have not caught up to him in skill. I do love the pointers that he has given me and tricks that I have learned from him. This model is still one of my personal favorites as far as the paint job on him. After painting this model is when I decided tha...

Troll Axer

Troll Axer! In my opinion this is the best light beast Trollbloods have. Rush is just amazing on basically every model you can put it on. I mean, I would rather have the Str buff from the Mauler but in a game where you have to go get your prey +movement is awesome. This is the very first Trollblood model I ever painted. The first primer I used back then was Gritty so he ended up "lumpy" I had this great idea that I would add blood to the weapon of any model that had a killing blow on a Caster/Warlock and so the blood was added after. I think he still looks good even tho he has been chipped up. I have not played recently because of life but I have a renewed desire to get these models back on the table and get back to painting them. Because the Axer is so helpful I have another one that has earned paint and game time also. I painted both these Axer's before I found the color scheme I wanted. So, he has no Yellow on him just yet. Well other than the welp...

Troll Impailer

I painted this model a long long time ago. This was not my first Horde Trollblood that I ever painted but pretty close. I figured I would share it with you all for your viewing pleasure. Even way back then I did not like my models to look the same so I shaved this one and he is better looking because of it. You can see some of the nicked paint from me playing him. Back then I front arc'd my models in Red but I plan on making it universal among all my models. My favorite part about this guy is his Quiver. He does not see the table as often as he use to because of the changes they made to him. I normally don't have much of a ranged game at all. Maybe one day I will learn a new method of trolls not just the good old fashion "Axe to face".