
Showing posts from May 25, 2018

Trollblood Warders

Trollblood Warders! I am super excited to be able to present these guy's to you. It has been a little bit since I last post but that is because I was working on these guy's I think they turned out pretty good. Here they are. Yes I did take the time to get Front arc's done on these guys and I will do the same from now on. I also threw some grass on the bases to add a little there. As I was taking the pictures today I noticed I forgot to label them 1-5 so I can track HP on them. I will add the numbers to the backs of their bases the next time I bust out my paints. Unit Leader I painted the black part of his shield to make it look like the Chintin on my brothers Legion of Everblight Warbeasts they are an orange skin with black Chintin. With his permission here is a picture of his color Scheme to give you an idea of how he is painting them. This one is the Raek. I also decided to skin one and make a shield out of the skins. Click on the picture to get a close u...