Legion Turn One

He decided to attack the Kryss Timberlands. We decided on our armies and then voted on what Event in the area we wanted to play on. We both picked the Dense Forest as our preferred event so rather than roll off we just elected to play that event. Here are the rules that we created for the campaign.
-Dense forest
                The entire map is forest. The forest is so thick Large based warrior models are not allowed. Large based warbeasts gain the following penalties -1 Def  -2 Threshold and are agitated every activation (gain 1 Fury). While a model has the Hunter ability they can ignore forests when determining LOS.
Since the entire map is forest terrain (well we could put out a patch of open terrain) I looked through my models and tried to come up with some sort of plan to overcome that because lots of my models don't come with pathfinder and none have wings. The other biggest issue is the fact that nobody can see more than 3" without eyeless sight or some sort of rule to get past forest. That is why we added the "Hunter grants the ability to ignore forests when determining LOS" If I remember correctly I think it used to work that way anyways. When I saw that Jarl could grant both Pathfinder and Hunter to a model/unit I knew he would be my choice. I did think long and hard about the Croak Hunters running with the Totem Hunter and I think that could have been fun but I opted to go with this instead, Here are the lists.

 Band of Heroes                                                                    Ravens of War
Jarl Skuld, Devil of the Thornwood                                    Fyanna, Torment of Everblight
Earthborn Dire Troll                                                              Raek
Troll Axer                                                                               Nephilim Soldier
Troll Basher                                                                           Teraph
Trollkin Skinner x2                                                                Grotesque Assassin
Totem Hunter                                                                        Strider Scouts
Fell Caller Hero                                                                     Strider Officer/Musician
Full Trollkin Fennblades                                                       Grotesque Raiders
Trollkin Fennblade Officer & Drummer                              Strider Blightblades
I thought my brother would go with maximizing his eyeless sight and go full beast mode on me. He went with 3 units and ambush. All of them are speed 7's so maybe he was thinking that even without seeing me he could still walk up and attack my models he normally out threat ranges me anyways. Lots of his stuff has either pathfinder or wings I figured he would have a hard time deciding what to grab. We rolled out the scenario and I won the roll and opted to go first. My theme granted me an extra 2" so here is deployment. Pictures are worth 100 words or something like that.
I technically have 1 stand in, the Dire Troll is my Earthborn. With the way zones work and the points I figured I had my work cut out for me. I picked his scouts as my Totem Hunters prey and deployed my skinners on the left to play games with his Raek.
First turn Jarl dumps Weald Secrets onto the Fenn's, Rush on the Axer and Tactical Supremacy on himself to get him up the field along with that speed 7 Earthborn. Everything else runs to get into position...
He sits and shoots and with super dice he kills 4 fens and the officer. Unreal I thought my turn 2 would be horrible without the extra 2" from the mini feat. He did get a few things into range for me to charge. The Raek pulled behind the Grotesque's and I am glad because if not I probably would have trampled my earthborn through his whole army and left him out of range and behind his whole army. He did put Fury on the Grotesque's and if you ask me I think Madrak's Blood Fury spell is not on par. We get +1d6 Dmg and -2 Def and they get a flat +3 and only -1 Def sounds like a similar but better version. Then again taking that other -1Def for a chance to score higher... ahh you decide.
Turn two I vengeance move and charge into his closest models. Sad no officer or I would have gotten a few cleave attacks and gotten more into his lines but knowing they would reposition I put them up there to jam him up. I have my brawler sit back and I get my Earthborn out of the charge line for my Axer to get up there and thresher his grotesque's. With them sitting at 11 Def that was a happy day and he cleaned out 4 or 5 of them without boosting. I had to rile him to get all the fury I needed so I didn't have to cut. Skinner charges and kills one and the other skinner runs to engage his Teraph. He forgot about jump so the Totem Hunter moves and jumps to get one in range and kills one scout then sprints to engage 4 more. At the end of my turn I realize he can ambush onto the field and run into either zone and score a point. I tell him about my fail and he already knew that he could get a point off me easy. Not having played Jarl much I also realize I should have popped my feat with it being defensive.
With overtake he cleans out a handfull of the Fennblades with his caster and his Soldier. His Teraph boosts to hit my Def 19 Skinner and rolls 15 on 3 dice.. Unreal this Teraph puts the skinner with a tough check on the ground. He pops his defensive feat. His scouts can't do much with them being engaged and his blightblades run into the zone and he scores one and so do I.
I run my fennblades back to the open zone on the right and move my brawler to contest the other on the left. He left the Axer with 8 HP so I move over and swing a few times but with his feat up I don't think I connected anything. Skinner walks around to the back of the Raek and misses. Totem Hunter keeps the striders tied up. Jarl drops Weald Secrets onto the Earthborn and he charges in to wreck his Objective giving me a total of 4 scenario points and none to the Everblight. I did remember to pop my feat this go but it was not really needed.
He attacks a little and finishes off my Axer and tries to kill all my Fenns to clear the zone and is not successful so he has to move a model into the zone to contest. He runs his Blight blades hoping that I can't kill all of them to get a point off my rectangular zone and then he hits my Earthborn a little.
I start my fourth turn with a few options to score one point and win so I go for the easiest and reveille the last Fennblade and then realize without Weald Secrets I can't see to charge his single scout that is in that zone so I jump my Totem Hunter in range to have one chance at killing his scout and the dice roll average and I am able to kill him and end my turn to score one point. Now if it were a Tournament and given time I would have tried to clear out my rectangle and move my caster to the open zone on the left to try and score 3 more.
At the end we both agreed that it was a good game and I declared his Teraph the MVP with his epic rolls one shooting the 3 fens and officer and then hitting Def 19 and putting the Skinner out of the game. I think me being able to swap who needs to see and holding my Earthborn back are the 2 things that allowed me to grab victory this game.
So Legion does not get to secure the Timberlands and it falls to me to decide where to go next.
